Mentor Corner #4: Are All PT Certifications Created Equally?

Today, FEA founder Jerrican Tan explains personal trainer certification is a formal way of evaluating through an examination, the competency level of a personal trainer implementing and delivering safe & effective exercise program based on the job scope that has been established.

He shares seven considerations that will benefit you more in your market:

1. Find out whether it is a PT Certification or a specialty cert or even a continuing education

2. Is the cert accredited? It ensures the cert/course has met the industry standards? by government or independent agency (NCCA) or more commonly accredited by industry coalition (REPS)

3. Exam domains – Professional role – Applied exercise science – Behavior change & motivation – Client interview & assessment – Exercise technique & instruction – Program design & implementation

4. Exam domain percentage focuses (Evaluation criteria)

5. Examination evaluation methods (Theory/practical component)

6. Examination administration being handled (Internally or 3rd party)

7. Certification exam preparation (Self Study materials vs guided learning )