Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
Course Provider: FEA – Fitness Edutraining Asia | 3 Days | CEC Points: NA
The Certified Group Exercise Instructor (CGX) is for group exercise instructors who wish to create their own exercise to music workouts as well as fitness enthusiasts who aspire to be an instructor for such classes.
The course will cover topics such as the role of a group exercise instructor, musicality – all that is involved in working with music and harnessing the power of music to create memorable exercise to music workouts. Students will experience designing their own strength and cardio workouts as well as going through exercise fundamentals in creating such workouts. Essential skills such as cueing, communicating and responding to different issues in class participants will be covered as well how to to go from good to great and branding, marketing and selling your classes !
Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
General - learn -at- fea -dot- group
Jerrican - jerrican -at- fea -dot- group
June - june -at- fea -dot- group
Ee Ling - eeling -at- fea -dot- group