BENT OVER ROW: Here’s how to do it.

Here’s how to do it.

1. Grab bar slightly wider than shoulder width apart

2. Stand at shoulder width apart. Heels are in line with the shoulders, with the toes pointing slightly out, centre of the knee should be in line with the second toe.

3. Have the knees slightly bent, core engaged, chin tucked in, and shoulders packed.

4. Hinge and slide the bar down to your knee level

5. Ensure that the wrist is in line with the elbow. Pull the bar straight up, with natural scapular retraction (avoid hyperextension on the spine). This is to avoid lurching or hyperextension the shoulders.

Note: Where the bar ends up depends on the degree of the hinge.

Primary muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius and Rhomboids

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