Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
Course Provider: FEA – Fitness Edutraining Asia | 180 Minutes | CEC Points: ACE 0.3 CECs
As the population becomes obsessed with weight loss, any conversation on ‘fat’ or ‘metabolism’ grabs attention, however, how much do we really understand about the complexities of the fats we eat and how they metabolized within the body? How about the emerging ‘keto-everything’ trend and Intermittent fasting? Are they safe, effective and even sustainable? Put aside the marketing claims and let’s dig down to understand the science behind ketones, ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting, and fasted cardio – do they work?
Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
General - learn -at- fea -dot- group
Jerrican - jerrican -at- fea -dot- group
June - june -at- fea -dot- group
Ee Ling - eeling -at- fea -dot- group