Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
Course Provider: FEA – Fitness Edutraining Asia | 1-Day
In this workshop, the main focus will be on learning and improving proper exercise techniques for a variety of exercises. Understanding and implementing correct form and technique are crucial for optimizing the benefits of your workouts, minimizing the risk of injury, and accomplishing your fitness goals. This workshop will delve into the scientific principles and practical aspects of resistance training, flexibility, and mobility training techniques. It comes highly recommended for individuals aspiring to become Certified Fitness Practitioners and teach others in a professional capacity
Fundamentals of Exercise Technique
Dynamic Stretch
Core and Trunk Exercises
Upper Body Push Exercises
Upper Body Pull Exercises
Static Stretch
Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
General - learn -at- fea -dot- group
Jerrican - jerrican -at- fea -dot- group
June - june -at- fea -dot- group
Ee Ling - eeling -at- fea -dot- group