Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
Course Provider : Fitness Edutraining Asia Ι 3-Hours Ι CEC Points : ACE 0.2 CECs
The difference between doing something and doing nothing could mean someone’s life or death. As a fitness practitioner, we might face situations where we will need to provide primary care during emergency situations – you never know when you’ll be required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This course is suitable for fitness practitioners, or anyone with limited or no medical training who need basic CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) training to meet job regulations and requirements. All participants will be taught how to respond to life-threatening emergencies by providing primary care according to the American Heart Association (AHA) standards.
Note: Having a valid CPR & AED certificate is required by all individuals who wish to pursue any certification course offered by FITM
You want to learn how to provide primary care during emergency situations
As fitness practitioners/soon-to-be you should equip yourself with emergency skills to allow your clients to train with you with confidence that you know what to do in the case of emergency
Easy to follow, step by step guide to performing CPR according to the AHA standards
Learn CPR in the easiest, most fun, effective yet impactful way
Hands on practice on CPR manikin and AED training kit
Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
General - learn -at- fea -dot- group
Jerrican - jerrican -at- fea -dot- group
June - june -at- fea -dot- group
Ee Ling - eeling -at- fea -dot- group