Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
Hypertrophy and Fat Loss Strategies for Everyday Clients
Course Provider: FEA – Fitness Edutraining Asia | 3 Days |
CEC Points: ACE 2.4 CECs (ACE Ethics course) & NASM 1.8 CEUs
Achieving an aesthetic physique seems to be getting immensely popular among our everyday clients. Many of them look for personal trainers to help them achieve their goals via a natural and healthy approach. These clients need sustainable transformation programme instead of competitive strategies. Thus, strategies need to be realistic and fun for the everyday client.
On the other hand, competitive strategies lead clients to extremely low body fat percentage and high muscle mass which usually last for only a couple of weeks as well as prone to usage of performance enhancement substance. Personal trainers with competitive background should not entirely rely on their personal transformation experience in helping everyday clients to transform because sustainable transformation is very different from competitive transformation.
This course aims to provide personal trainers with a strong understanding on scientific evidence available in this field and a systematic approach to manage clients’ body transformation programme in terms of building lean mass and losing fat based on scientific evidence and successful practices. The programme is built on the foundation of sustainability and adherence
You are a fitness professional and want to help clients with body composition goals; gain lean muscle mass and lose body fat. Understanding that every client’s body responds differently to each training and nutritional strategies, you want to ensure your programme is safe, effective and sustainable. You are also looking for hands-on and face-to-face experience to sharpen your skills in a client’s body transformation
Help To Raise Your Country’s Standard Of Fitness Professionals
General - learn -at- fea -dot- group
Jerrican - jerrican -at- fea -dot- group
June - june -at- fea -dot- group
Ee Ling - eeling -at- fea -dot- group